Tuesday 18 November 2014


I really enjoyed making the scene within Maya. This was fun and gave me a better knowledge towards the program. I had issues along the way, such as the fog and importing zbrush files into Maya.
I am glad I used zbrush although it limited my time, as it was VERY difficult to learn. Even teaching myself the user interface was....a nightmare. But Im happy to say I got pass that bump where you want to give up on a program and pushed through to where I want to learn more about it.

I kept things a little more simple than some of my other projects as I wanted to study Maya a bit more. In my previous projects I aimed real high and I never had that time to actually get to learn the software.

I am happy with the result of my scene, but truthfully sick of looking at it. I think I could have done better in my sculpture from zbrush, but again, not knowing the program, proved to be a huge factor in getting things completed and done to a high standard.

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