Thursday 6 November 2014

Importing, Exporting

As I sculpted in Zbrush, I begun having fears of how my sculpt would be imported to Maya, as I had never exported anything out from Zbrush before.
To do this I needed to create a UV for my sculpt, this also included the polypaint. As I am new to Zbrush I had to find a tutorial with step by step insturctions to create UV's.
Zbrush has a great plugin called UV Master that basically allows the user to flatten their scult into UV's. There is little work needed and all I had to do was to paint the face of my scuplt to get it from being destroyed by the cutting of the UV. After the UV's are created I am easily able to export my file out of Zbrush and import it to Maya.
Here is the Youtube tutorial I followed.


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