Sunday 26 October 2014

Frankenstein Monster

I first planned to create a mad scientists, but realized as I was doing this, Frankenstein's monster would have been more suitable to my scene. The main feature in my scene is the operating table so what more fitting than Frankenstein s monster on that table. Here are some shots of my preliminary 3D sculpt.

Monday 20 October 2014

Next step

I want to create a 3D sculpt of a mad scientist to take my scene up a notch. I have recently acquired Zbrush which is another 3D sculpting software. This is what I will be using. Im not sure on how I will sculpt the scientist, my next step is to reference some images.

Rendered Shots

Some rendered shot of my scene.

Im very happy with the outcome, unfortunately you cant see the lightning as it is rendered with a different rendering engine.

Animated Lightning

My original scene has a large tesla coil within it pointing down to the main feature 'The operating table'.  I wanted the tesla coil to have lightning coming out of it but I also wanted it animated too. To do this I used the lightning paint effect. I created a single lightning strike then then duplicated this single strike into many. I then had to transform the paint effect into a mesh, so I could then manipulate the object. Once this was done I grouped the lightning together and key framed the 'Seed' of the group. Doing this allows that single lightning strike to change form in each frame, giving the illusion of animated lightning.

This is a shot of the lightning.