Saturday 30 August 2014

Camera, detailing

This week I worked towards getting a camera set up showing a part of my scene. This is a short clip and will only show a section of my scene. Now that I have the camera set up, and know exactly where the focus points are going to be, I can now place more detail within that area.
I will also place shaders within my scene once detailing has been completed.

Monday 25 August 2014


Some images of domes, which I am hoping to place in my scene as the main backdrop.

Saturday 23 August 2014


More images- these are futuristic building, along the the line of what i want my scene to look like.

More images

These are just some more images of some laboratory.

Friday 22 August 2014


I have been thinking about placing cables within my scene. To start with I actually wanted the scene to be covered in cables, I am still considering this, but acknowledge that it takes a while to create each cable, especially if you have to draw the curves then manipulate each point of that line to get the curves you are after. Below is a link that shows a way to create cables, this person also adds in extra dimensions by creating four cables and twisting them together to create a rope.


These are some random textures, that I am currently thinking about.

Saturday 9 August 2014

Friday 8 August 2014

I have decided to go with a 'Frankenstein Lab'
Here are some images